Saturday, April 28, 2007

Got a baby at home

We were certified by the state to be foster/adoptive parents. And look at what has arrived.
I am pleased.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Short TImer ...

Only three days left to go and I get to go home. That Rocks!!!
The trip this month is really dragging by. It fells like I have been here for a month.
But is has only been twelve days. Anyway, the pic above was shot from one on the cranes at
the Maersk terminal, thats us on the stern, at Pier 7 putting up a line, getting ready to assist the car ship out. We have been in Tacoma the whole time.
I can't wait to get home again.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Knowing God

Look up in the sky on a clear night.
Some of that light that you are observing is billions of years old.
It took that long to reach this planet,
from its source.
It is really humbling,
And I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel very small.
The galaxies that inhabit space are uncountable.
The vastness of it all is incomprehensible.
I don’t believe that most people really grasp that.
The bible says that God is everywhere all the time, he knows and see’s all things.
That God is a Spirit.
It is really not humanly possible to understand that.
The Omnipresence of God.
The Omnipotence of God.
It is beyond understanding.
It really makes me humble looking at what God has made.
Think about it …
Because as vast as these things are, the one who made them is greater.
The creator is greater than his creation, he has to be.
The Lord of the universe. The creator of all things.
Who created space and time, and exists outside of space and time.
I am just about done reading J. I. Packers book … “Knowing God”.
I highly recommend it to anyone who is seeking to broaden
their understanding of the Lord God.
It has helped my understanding.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This will ruin your day at work ...

Gravel barge capsized near Gig Harbor
The Associated Press
A gravel barge capsized near Gig Harbor Monday.
The Coast Guard says no petroleum products spilled into the water, but gravel from the 33-hundred ton load spilled into the water despite the efforts of a tug to push the barge to shore to keep it from sinking.
The Island Tug and Barge company of Seattle was moving the gravel from DuPont to Kenmore.
Copyright © 2007 The Seattle

So, I am back at work again, I was coming around Browns Point, entering Commencement Bay, when I saw it .... An Island Tug towing a barge around, but the barge was upside down.
Looked a little strange to see the skegs pointed strait up to the sky.
I HAVE to start bringing my camera to work with me again.
That would have been a really kewl picture. They are in here just doing round turns
At least the thing din't sink when it flipped, and luckily the only thing that was lost
was gravel.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Brrrrr - 4/2/2007

Ok, Its April 2nd and look what we get ...
yup that's right, a winter wonderland.
To get to our home, we have to drive up
a very steep and winding hill. even with a
little bit of this stuff it gets slick n dangerous.
Looks like the chains that I just pulled out from the back of my vehicle,
will be going back in.
I don't know about you all, but around here,
the global warming that everyone is concerned
with, has not shown up in my neiborhood yet.
Do any of you remeber in the Seventys ...
(showing my age here) the big concern then was the inevitable ice age that was coming,
and of course with the cold and ice the end of civilization as we know it ?
Well ... while the rest of you are going to get the global warming in your area,
In mine we are going to get the ice age.
Wanna swap ?