It’s not a very pleasant evening tonight. My wife
has the stomach flu. Thats her over there ------------>
She's a cute little thing.
If she were at sea on a cruise ship it would be called the Norwalk Virus.
Nasty stuff.
Very unpleasant thing to suffer from.
I should know, I am the one she got it from.
I watched Borat this evening. Very funny. I don’t know if the people that he interacted with had any idea that he was in character.
Or if they really believed that he was real?
It seemed like some of it was staged.
The part at the end with Pamela Anderson seemed staged.
In the real world, you would think that the security, that you know is around her when she is in public, would just squash him, in his attempt to bag the desire of his heart?
The part where he was picked up hitchhiking by the college frat boys in the RV. I can understand now why they tried to take him to court ….
They really looked like fools.
In their defense, who among us has not said some really stupid and ignorant things, while under the influence of alcohol?
The scene where he was at the fundamentalist revival ….
I have to say, if that was real …
It just scared the crap out of me.
Maybe I am to narrow minded or just don’t understand
Or see the big picture.
I just can’t fathom God wanting people to worship him that way.
The Bible says God wants a relationship with you.
Just you and him. What I witnessed disturbed me.
It makes me wonder if God is disturbed by it also.
Their display of worship?
It looked more like a circus to me.
I think sometimes people forget what the word Christian means ... Christ-Like
Being like Christ.
If you believe the Bible, You would fear God…
He is God. He can do whatever he likes, whenever or however.
Another thing that I know about God.
He knows and understands evil from the outside in.
He cannot do evil. He is Holy. IT IS NOT IN HIM.
We (humanity) understand evil from a different perspective.
It is a part of us all. And we do evil things on a daily basis.
We do this without even trying too.
It comes from our heart and mind.
If she were at sea on a cruise ship it would be called the Norwalk Virus.
Nasty stuff.
Very unpleasant thing to suffer from.
I should know, I am the one she got it from.
I watched Borat this evening. Very funny. I don’t know if the people that he interacted with had any idea that he was in character.
Or if they really believed that he was real?
It seemed like some of it was staged.
The part at the end with Pamela Anderson seemed staged.
In the real world, you would think that the security, that you know is around her when she is in public, would just squash him, in his attempt to bag the desire of his heart?
The part where he was picked up hitchhiking by the college frat boys in the RV. I can understand now why they tried to take him to court ….
They really looked like fools.
In their defense, who among us has not said some really stupid and ignorant things, while under the influence of alcohol?
The scene where he was at the fundamentalist revival ….
I have to say, if that was real …
It just scared the crap out of me.
Maybe I am to narrow minded or just don’t understand
Or see the big picture.
I just can’t fathom God wanting people to worship him that way.
The Bible says God wants a relationship with you.
Just you and him. What I witnessed disturbed me.
It makes me wonder if God is disturbed by it also.
Their display of worship?
It looked more like a circus to me.
I think sometimes people forget what the word Christian means ... Christ-Like
Being like Christ.
If you believe the Bible, You would fear God…
He is God. He can do whatever he likes, whenever or however.
Another thing that I know about God.
He knows and understands evil from the outside in.
He cannot do evil. He is Holy. IT IS NOT IN HIM.
We (humanity) understand evil from a different perspective.
It is a part of us all. And we do evil things on a daily basis.
We do this without even trying too.
It comes from our heart and mind.
Greed, Envy, Hate.
The list is so long that writing it all is a wasted effort.
I am comforted in that fact, that God also knows evil,
and he also understands what it is.
He always has.
But it is not in him.
The list is so long that writing it all is a wasted effort.
I am comforted in that fact, that God also knows evil,
and he also understands what it is.
He always has.
But it is not in him.
God knows that man has the knowledge of good and evil experientially. Not in the way that God knows it. The bible says: "The Lord God said, 'Behold, the man has become like one of Us.'" Well, not in the sense of knowing good and evil outside of oneself, as God knows it -- God knows evil outside of himself -- but in the sense of knowing good and evil inside.
We know evil by doing it. God knows evil by seeing it.
what the deciever had promised Adam & Eve had to some extent come true.
It's is true; they did know good and evil.
They were made in God's image, utterly unaware of evil, either in thought or experience, now we have evil all through us. It's in every thought and every experience. It's pervasive.
Humanity was created in the image of God. We were perfect. We were holy.
But we have fallen ....
And the image of God has been defaced.
And the image of God has been scarred.
And everything in the world is different ...
From what .... was originally created by the Lord God.
The bible says that when God was finished creating ("It was good").
Well .... We all know this fact in the world today......
It is not good anymore.
1 comment:
Did you read the poem I sent you? I loved it, it really said how we are - relating to God.... Have a great day! Luv, me
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